2011 MINI Countryman

When mini cooper first appeared it seems that this will not be succsessful in the markets.It was the smallest car.But the think that people like about that it was the fuel efficent car and it is too fast car.It was mades by U.S and it was designed very efficently.When you are driving you can breath a fresh air in a market filled with homogenous,and that is the thing different that americans are looking.U.S sales the cooper in 2008 54,000 to 47,000 that was the peak sale of mini cooper.
In 2011, first time mini countryman was designed 4-door style,and if we compared the countryman is far better than cooper.It offers more space than mini cooper.The 2011,mini cooper was designed in 3 different styles base,S and S,ALL 4.It also offers 17inch alloy already fiited.So,viewers why are you waiting for,enjoy the ride of mini countryman.

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