You are looking to the new generation of apple iphone 4g.It was cleared that the function found in this phone is totaly new and different version from the previous.So,we know that what is new in this version:
It offers front facing video chat camera,camera flash,micro sim,efficent display,button for volume increase/decrease,thats make something new in this iphone.So,the changing we disscuss is that,the back of the phone is totaly flat which makes sound more clearly as compared in front.An aluminum is going outside the surface.It is heavier than previous phone 3 grams, internal components are also totaly different.
The screen of the phone is scratchless and in past you cannot connect to itunes screen and also cannot imagine exact resolution,but now apple iphone 4g has come to real.This is the time you cans use the phone you can imagine all the things real.It also use microsim and it is also now reached to bussiness class because you are offereing microsim.Its operating system is made too fast because in 3g firmware you can only load in to 3gs firmware and there is no firmware availaible for this unreleashed phone.Whic also shows the phone efficency.So,viewers dont waste time and be a part of this newly runing electronic device.

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